Okay, its raining and you can’t go outside:  that is not so bad.  And yes, the emergency alert system has alerted — watch out for all those urban and small stream floods.  All the more reason to celebrate: January is the best month of the year.  Why?  Its rain and floods will help us clear away those nasty old financial habits of the past year, you know,  the ones that are keeping us broke … like credit card interest, over-priced life insurance, rotten auto deals and ridiculous cable bills.  Let us use this month to start some new habits like …. getting on a budget, paying down debt and saving for a future in which we can enjoy fabulous wealth and generosity.  Call me and lets make 2017 your best financial year yet:  the year we really finally got serious and made some big-time headway on our financial plans.  It will all start with one simple little phone call to your friendly planner Jeff: 916-333-5989.